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We are proud of the collaborative work between students, staff, families and community members to support student achievement and well-being. We continue to transform education and maintain our focus on supporting all students in reaching their full potential. I truly believe we will change the trajectory of public education from right here in Waterloo Region!


 - jeewan chanicka
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The Board of Trustees is committed to centring student academic success and well-being in its decision-making. We work collectively with families and community members to best support WRDSB students and staff to meet the Strategic Plan objectives.


- Joanne Weston
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We feel that every WRDSB student should have a voice in shaping the future of their education. We are motivated by helping to connect students across schools and build community throughout the WRDSB.


Devansh Lakhanpal and Feiyang Luo
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Stories of success from our Board Improvement and Equity Plan
We are proud of the collaborative work of students, staff, families, caregivers and community members in support of the WRDSB Strategic Plan and Board Improvement and Equity Plan. We continue to build on the knowledge and voices from the communities we serve on how we can centre students’ voices, set high expectations and better support student academic achievement and well-being. In an effort to support transparency, we released the 2023 Community Report Card to share an update on our progress towards achieving the Strategic Directions. This Report Card will be an annual commitment to the students, staff, families and communities we serve to help you understand our progress towards the Strategic Plan. Together, we are creating schools where all students are able to reach their full potential on their chosen pathway in learning and life.

The following provides an overview of achievements and outcomes from the Board Improvement and Equity Plan for the 2023-24 school year.


Every student will succeed academically

Sovereignty, Human Rights and Equity

Every student and staff member has equitable opportunities in an environment free from discrimination

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Mental Health, Well-being and Engagement

Every student and staff member will learn and work in environments that engage them and support their mental health and well-being

Pathways and Transitions

Every student is prepared for the next step in their elementary and secondary education and their postsecondary pathway

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Transforming Education
We are transforming education to prepare students for success in the future. The world is changing and we know that students upon graduation will be faced with new opportunities and challenges that we haven’t even considered. We also know that the current education system does not serve all students well. Often a student’s identity and socioeconomic status predict their outcomes in school. In order to foster global citizens who are prepared for their future pathways, we need to re-envision the education system. At WRDSB, we are committed to Transforming Education. This is not work we can do alone and invite students, families, community members, educators and service leaders, as well as other industry and thought leaders to join us in transforming education to better serve all students.
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In 2023-24, the WRDSB continued to support the implementation of the Board Improvement and Equity Plan (BIEP). The BIEP is the roadmap to accomplishing the Strategic Directions of the Strategic Plan. The WRDSB has incorporated the Student Achievement Plan requirements within the BIEP.


The BIEP is one of the ways WRDSB reviews its progress and the outcomes of specific strategies to support student achievement and well-being in alignment with the Strategic Plan. 

We focused on the use of evidence-based instructional practices and implementation of:


We continue to build on our commitment to improving well-being, equity and student pathways, and to transform education, including:

  • Supporting WRDSB schools to create environments where students feel a sense of connection and belonging

  • Sovereignty-affirming and equity leadership competencies


The four areas of the BIEP are:

  • Achievement

  • Sovereignty, human rights and equity

  • Mental health, well-being and engagement

  • Pathways and transitions


Read more about the results of our 2023-2024 Board Improvement and Equity Plan (BIEP)

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Learner Profile
The learner profile is made up of the skills and attributes students need to be successful in learning and in life as we move toward the 22nd century. The Learner Profile is designed to ensure students have the ability to succeed academically in the classroom, and have the skills to excel in their future careers, whatever their chosen pathway. It was developed in direct consultation with students, to ensure it responds to their needs.

When they graduate, WRDSB students will be:
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Waterloo Region District School Board
51 Ardelt Avenue
Kitchener, ON
N2C 2R5
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